I am from the top of my class in a small town to now being an average student at a nerdy university
I am from learning a language that is not spoken so I can communicate with friends who cannot hear
I am from escaping the brick city on Friday nights to drink milkshakes at Jay’s
I am from late nights of worshipping with friends and early mornings of praying with those I consider family
I am from the transition of believing in a God to personally knowing my Savior
I am from behind-the-scenes
I am from seeing people relax and enjoy community, from feeling the love of brothers and sisters
I am from a deeply loving Father, a Father whose love stretches wider than coast to coast
-Kara Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology
This is part of the “I am from” series highlighting stories of students in our community. Cru Winter Conference is a community of students from across the country. We come from different culture, like different foods, and even speak different languages (ok, accents or languages). We all share a desire to explore who God is and what that has to do with living a good life and leaving a quality legacy. We gather for Winter Conference in 9 cities, but we are all part of 1 movement…Share your story with us here and…come with us to the Cru Winter Conference near you.