Collaborative Discipleship

Immersive Experiences

Collaborative Discipleship’s Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences are the things we do to put our faith into action — spiritual disciplines, faith-building events, ministry to others and much more. These are the hidden jewels of spiritual growth and kingdom impact. Only by being immersed in experiences where disciples can practice what they’ve been taught will they truly grow and mature.

Immersive experiences are organized in the same way as the lessons. The group should brainstorm immersive experiences together and keep an eye out for any significant opportunities they come across. A few potential experiences are listed below.

To see how immersive experiences are visually organized and how they relate to lessons click on this image to view the interactive PDF.

Immersive Experiences that help Disciples Know and Love God:

  • Winter Conference
  • Prayer retreat
  • Worship at church or Cru
  • Financial stewardship seminar
  • Read the Bible together

Immersive Experiences that help Disciples Love Others:

  • Fall retreat
  • Fellowship with believers at church and Cru.
  • Volunteer to serve the poor and vulnerable.
  • Organize a justice week on campus.
  • Do service projects on campus

Immersive Experiences that help Disciples Embrace Who God Made Us to Be:

  • Men’s and women’s retreats
  • Serve at church and at Cru with spiritual gifts
  • Cru Life Options Conference
  • Visit a church community that’s different from our culture
  • Do your work with excellence

Immersive Experiences that help Disciples Help Others Grow in Faith and Fruitfulness:

  • Discipleship training retreat
  • Start a Collaborative Discipleship group
  • Summer Missions
  • Cru intern, STINT or Staff
  • Prayer event for laborers

Immersive Experiences that help Disciples Express the Gospel:

Transform Lives, Starting with Yours

Understand God’s work in your life. Reach those around you and build communities of faith.

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