1. Reuniting with friends
Winter Conference is a great time for you to reunite with your friends from school that you haven’t seen for a while now. You’ll finally be able to talk to that best friend you’ve been texting every day, in person.
2. Amazing speakers
The speakers at Cru Winter Conference never cease to be amazing. You’ll hear them speak on topics you’ve never heard people speak on before, and gain new perspective on faith, culture, and diversity
3. Worshiping with college students just like you
There’s something about worshipping alongside hundreds of other students that makes the experience that much more amazing.
4. Outreach
As students, we want to leave a positive impact on our worlds. Cru Winter Conference devoted an entire afternoonto serving the community of the city you are in during the conference.
5. Dance party
This New Year’s Eve, you could end the year with a dance party with hundreds of other students. What better way to bring in 2017?
6. Making new friends
Every year, hundreds of college students gather at Cru Winter Conference. You may come not knowing anyone, but we guarantee you will leave with new friends!
7. Healing
Wherever you are at in your walk with God, Cru Winter Conference welcomes you. If you are hurting right now, this is a great place to reconnect with God.
8. Fun and games
There will be opportunities at the conference for you to play games with your friends. Make new friends by playing games with people you have never met before.
9. Acceptance
Cru Winter Conference will be filled with loving staff and students who will be there to love you no matter where you are at in your relationship with Christ. Through the people at Cru Winter Conference, you will be shown that love and grace that Christ has to offer.
10. Experiencing God in a new way
All of these things add up to experiencing the God like you never have before. God wants to speak to you. Don’t let yourself miss out on a wonderful opportunity for God to reveal more of himself to you by going to Cru Winter Conference.
Cru Winter Conference is starting soon! Sign up now at: https://www.cru.org/communities/campus-winterconference.html