I am from a place where God met me on a hill overlooking a lake
I am from a high school that focused on the results, but no one seemed to care how they were achieved
I am from thinking that few people actually followed God, but I was terribly mistaken
I am from finding out the breadth of God’s kingdom, how widespread his love is and how many people there are
I am from being with friends on Tower Lawn every week enjoying fellowship with God’s people
I am from Sports Fridays, Boba Tuesdays, and Prayer times throughout the week
I am from a Family that’s so much bigger than my own
Arthur, San Jose State University
The “I am from” series highlights students in Cru Winter Conference community that attend one of each of the city gatherings. Though many of our experiences and values are unique, we also share a drive for something greater in life. We are exploring life–our relationships, careers, interests– with a sense of purpose rooted in a relationship with God. We invite you to join us! You can share your story with us by writing your own “I am from” poem and submitting it here. Also, join us at the Winter Conference near your university!