I am from a private school where memorizing Bible verses was the definition of Christianity.
I am from Thursday night worships in Benwood Auditorium
I am from learning to rest in who God is so I can be confident in who I am
I am from sharing my faith boldly because of an 11 week summer mission
I am from a Savior who won it all on the cross long before I was born so that I can be free and sweetly broken,
knowing that He has overcome the world.
Jada Stewart, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
At the Greensboro conferece students gather from North Caroline, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. As we explore life in relationship to God and one another, each region does so slightly differently because we are 9 regions with a common aim.
Where are you from? If you would like to offer your own “I am from” submission, you can do so, here!