Are you new to Portland and looking to connect? Whether it’s a college ministry, casual dinner environment, intentional peer group discussion, neighborhood or vocation centered gatherings, we have a lots of ways to connect with other people seeking to know and follow Jesus .

Two core things that we believe shape what we do:

  1. We believe that what happens in this city influences the entire region and the globe.
  2. We believe that you are created by God and uniquely positioned to be unleashed for the renewal of your pocket of this city and in turn influence culture, causes, and the church in Portland and the world.

With those two assumptions in place, there are also the realities of what it’s like to transition to Portland, the pace and rhythms (or lack thereof) of school, work and life in the city, the isolation that can occur here, and the grind one can experience of urban life. We are here to not only help you navigate and thrive in the city, but to grow and develop you to be unleashed to join God in His mission for the renewal and flourishing of this city.

Connect Right Now 

Cru in Portland has all kinds of ways to get connected to what God is doing in the city…here’s some of the ways to connect right now.

  • If you are a college student looking to connect, please contact us! One of our staff would love to meet you.
  • If you are post college and still in your twenties or early thirties our Millennial ministry would like to connect. Contact us or sign up for our semi-regular email updates that is always loaded with key Cru (and partners) events and opportunities.