
Here are several ways that you can get connected to our movement:


Weekly Meeting

Tuesdays // 5:00pm // USU 306

It’s a place for you to come, meet some new people, make friends and learn more about Jesus.


Bible Study/Small Groups

Cru believes that discipleship happens in relationships; therefore small groups are the heart of what we do. Cru small groups are led by area college students and older high school students and meet across the area. The day, time and location of the small group are determined by the leader and participants.


Cru Connect

Mondays & Thursdays // 1-2pm // Quad

Each week, we go out on campus and talk to students about Jesus. Come get trained and watch someone else share their faith. This is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and see what God can do. 


Servant Teams

Servant Teams are comprised of students that help the ministry of Cru flourish at <your campus>. If you are interested in learning more about a servant team or want to join a specific servant team, please contact us.


Winter Conference

Cru Winter Conference is a 4-day  leadership and mission experience that gathers students from high schools across the state to have fun, forge new friendships, step out in faith and fuel a passion for Christ!


Summer Opportunities

Densior nam solidumque aer librata pondus dispositam moles. Mundum lumina postquam grandia recens subdita nubibus faecis.

Get Involved


If you have a heart to see lives transformed on your high school campus, or are seeking a transformation yourself, you're already ready.


If you are a college student, parent, concerned adult, youth leader, church partner, or educator with a heart for teenagers, you could get involved with Cru.


We would love for you to partner with us through your financial giving. All donations are tax-deductible. Click on the link below to give through our secure, online site.

Still have questions?

Contact us today. We would love to connect with you.