Meet the Team

Our Staff is made up of full-time staff, part-time staff and volunteers. We exist to help high school students develop as spiritual leaders and see their campus as the place God has them to be a part of the Great Commission. Through our partnership with local churches and the college part of Cru, we equip volunteers to develop relationships with high school students and model for them how to live the Christian life. Through our emphasis on prayer and the Spirit-filled life, students learn how to take steps of faith and trust God to use them to leave a legacy on their campus. They live out their faith in their daily lives, taking the initiative to share the gospel in their natural spheres of influence.

Regan McCook

Cru Staff

Kimberly Foster

Cru Staff

Jennifer Barrett

Cru Staff

Rachel Hicks

Cru Volunteer

Joseph Perry

Cru Staff

Michael Wright

Cru Volunteer

Janice Ross

Cru Part-Time Staff

Madison King

Cru Volunteer

Amy Hudson

Cru Part-Time Staff

Jeremy Mason

Cru Volunteer


1. The gospel is not the diving board…it is the pool.
The gospel is not just how we begin a life with Christ, it is how we grow in Christ. Growth is never beyond the gospel, but deeper into the gospel.
2. God is always at work all around us and we want to join Him.
God is already at work in the lives of high school students. We want to follow His plan, not our own.
3. Jesus commanded us to make disciples, not converts.
Following Jesus is not a one-time prayer you pray. Following Jesus means living as He lived, doing all He commanded.
4 High School students have the ability to become spiritual leaders on their campus and to reach their spheres of influence.
Students lead in many different ways on campus, and we believe that as they grow in the understanding of the Gospel they can lead spiritually too.
5. Discipleship happens in relationships.
Small groups are intended to be a starting point to develop a relationship with a student where life change occurs.
6. The local church is God’s “plan A”.
We seek to see students come to know Jesus so that they can develop a relationship to the local church and connect with a body of believers.
7. Belief unlocks the power for the mission of God.
We desire to step out in bold audacious faith to do what only God can do.
8. The Holy Spirit gives the power to accomplish what God has called us to do.
Being filled with the Spirit is God’s command and apart from Christ, we can do nothing.
9. College students have the ability, with the power of the Holy Spirit, to develop spiritual movements on the high school campus.
We believe that college students can effectively see movements on high school campuses with the right training, resources and support from the local staff.
10. Love is the most essential element of leadership.
We cannot effectively lead someone until they know we love them.
11. Leading a life above reproach is essential in being a leader of high school students.
We realize that although we have freedom in Christ, we want to live our lives in such a way as not to cause others to stumble.
12. Ministry becomes movement when people begin to multiply their lives into others.
We want to see a movement of high school students who want to see their campuses reached for Christ.