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Restoring Bikes, Reaching Souls


May 2024


By Ralph Cooley

I restore vintage road bicycles.

I find great fun in bringing a bike that is on “life support” or is “dead on arrival” when it comes into my shop, back to life.

This hobby started with a child’s bike in November 2011. Now there must be a dozen bikes or so in my garage either restored, waiting to be restored or somewhere in between. I do not know how many bikes have come through my shop in the past few years but there has been a lot.

A few Saturdays ago, I was working in my shop with the garage door open and a young college-age gal came walking down my street. She had bright pink hair and called out to me.

“Are you the guy that has the bikes for sale on the corner?” She asked.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“I need a road bike.”

The bicycle on the corner was a perfect fit for her, but she was hoping for fenders to ride the bike in the rain. I had some used fenders just hanging on my wall and told her I would be happy to put them on for her.

So as I put her new bike on the rack and began to install the fenders, she sat on my shop stool and watched.

“So tell me your story,” I simply asked.

And so for the next hour, I worked and she talked. Her name was Teresa, and she was from southern Idaho. Her mom was Mexican and her dad was Chinese.

As she finished sharing about her life and her spiritual journey, I was able to share with her about my personal relationship with Christ.

We need to cultivate a “missional” mindset in everything we do. God brings people into our lives that He so desires for us to care for and love on. You see, when anyone comes into my shop, I always tell them that I’m a campus minister and that these bikes are just a hobby.

I have found this vintage bike hobby opens major doors for spiritual conversations with people, including many professors, which I would have never had otherwise. It is such a “sweet spot” when I get to bring a bike back to life, and at the same time, see God open doors for the gospel. Sometimes I actually see God bring souls of people to LIFE.

I redeem bikes, Jesus redeems souls.

As for Teresa, I will see her again and I look forward to the next conversation we will have.

208278_18668258144_991_nRalph Cooley has been on staff with Cru since 1976. Currently, Ralph works with Faculty Commons, leading a team of eight Faculty Commons staff in the west. He also serves part time on the Greater Northwest Regional Directors Team.

Joanna Wilson

Joanna graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in journalism in 2012. She joined staff with Cru in 2015, after interning for two years. Now, she's excited to continue sharing awesome stories about God's work on campus full time. She loves old books, swing dancing, and exciting stories.