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Campus to City Bridge

Part of our vision for working with young people in the city is to bridge the gap between campus life and city life. To often recent college graduates land in the city and end up floating through the first handful of years. They sometimes remain stuck relationally and spiritually for many years before they find their footing. We believe this untapped potential represents a hug opportunity to move toward our city being transformed and renewed.

We see ourselves as a launching pad for recent graduates to connect to the fabric of the Christian community. Our vision is to help 20-somethings that are stuck or disconnected be set loose to engage the world around with them with the reality of Jesus.

Right now Portland is outpacing New York City and Los Angeles in the number of millennials (20-somethings) moving to it. This trend, documented in the Washington Post, is radically changing the face of Portland and we are uniquely position to help this group of people connect, grow and be unleashed to follow Christ in the city.