For some students, starting up a Christian club on campus is a breeze. For others, it is more difficult.

According to the Equal Access Act of 1984, middle and high school students are able to understand that just because their school allows a religious group to meet on campus, it doesn’t mean the school is actually endorsing that religion.

The facts on what you can and can’t do on campus to express your faith can be confusing. So we want to help you understand what the Equal Access Act means for you.

Equal Access Act of 1824 applies if:

1. Your school meets the following 3 criteria.

  • Is your school a secondary school? This is usually a school with grades 9-12.
  • Is your school government funded? Most public schools are.
  • Do other non-curriculum clubs meet in your school? Clubs that don’t relate to any classroom or overall school curriculum.

If your answer is “yes” to all three of these, then the Equal Access Act applies to your campus.

2. Your club is student-led and student-initiated.

To comply with the law, your club must be student-led and student-initiated. Teachers may participate, but only in a “custodial” manner  (if required by your school, a teacher may need to be present to make sure things go smoothly). You may invite people “guests” to speak occasionally, but the meeting cannot be directed, conducted or controlled by them.

The term “limited” in “limited open forum” as found in the Equal Access Act, means that your club is limited to the students in your school.

3. Make full use of your club privileges.

You have the same privileges that other non-curriculum clubs on your school campus have. Your Christian club is entitled to the same recognition that other non-curriculum clubs in your school have. This means you have access to the school newspaper, yearbook, bulletin board, announcements, club fairs, etc..

But the Equal Access Act does not protect disruptive students within the club. Your school may deny Equal Access if:

  • Order and discipline are not maintained by the students in the club.
  • The well-being of students and faculty in the school are hindered by students in the club.
  • Any actions in the meetings are illegal.

The Equal Access Act also guarantees students at a public school the right to:

  • Meet with other religious students.
  • Identify your religious beliefs through signs and symbols.
  • Talk about your religious beliefs on campus.
  • Distribute religious literature on campus.
  • Pray on campus.
  • Carry or study your Bible on campus.
  • Do research papers, speeches, and creative projects with religious themes.
  • Be exempt from activities and class content that contradict their beliefs.
  • Celebrate religious holidays on campus.
  • Meet with school officials.