Let's journey together


Cru has resources to help current and future teachers combine their passion for teenagers with a God-given mission. We can help educators navigate First Amendment rights as well as offer ideas for gathering high school and middle school students, and creativity with evangelism and discipleship opportunities.


Cru is a Christian outreach program on public high school campuses.  Our goal is to do 3 things: Win, Build, and Send. 

WIN – Our main focus is evangelism – helping people who do not know Jesus and helping them begin a relationship with Him.  Instead of asking non-Christians to come to  a church building to hear about God, we want to bring it to them where they are.  (Outreaches, sharing the gospel one on one, etc)

BUILD – Building Christians up in their faith, helping them grow into mature Christians.  (Small Groups, Speakers, etc) 

SEND – Training students to share their faith and lead spiritually so they can live a lifetime of helping others in their walk with Christ.

Interested in supporting a student-led club in Indianapolis?

Each school has a teacher or multiple teachers who sponsor the club and is the official connection to the school’s administrators. The teacher sponsor helps students find a room where they can meet, communicates with the administration, and is present for every meeting.
