As “Christ’s ambassador” (2 Corinthians 5:20) you are in a unique position to invite others to partner financially in His cause. As you offer individuals the chance to underwrite your Spring Break expenses, you will be giving them the unparalleled opportunity of investing in eternity (Matthew 6:19-21).

King David gave Israel such an opportunity when he challenged the people to underwrite the cost of building a temple for the Lord.
Because David knew that all the world’s wealth ultimately belonged to God, he boldly challenged others to channel their resources toward building a physical testimony to the Lord, a temple. As you raise funds for your Spring Break trip, you will be allowing God to channel the resources of His people toward building a human testimony, a witness for Christ.
The following strategy for raising support can be summarized in four words:

  2. WRITE
  3. CALL
  4. THANK

As you place your trust in God and carefully implement each of these four steps, you will see success! I can't even describe how excited I am for you, knowing that your Spring Break will be life-changing. May the Lord bless and keep you as you trust him for things way outside your comfort zone.


First, pause for a moment of prayer. Next, create an initial list of potential ministry partners using namestorming. Avoid deciding who may or may not be interested; don't prematurely exclude those whom God may want as partners. Prioritize later; for now, keep the list open. Despite initial doubts, research indicates the average person has a network of at least 400 friends. Aim for a list of at least 25 potential partners by associating professions, businesses, church connections, and places with acquaintances. This may take a couple of hours, but push yourself to generate around 100 names.

  1. Parents
  2. Brothers
  3. Sisters
  4. Former employers
  5. Former customers
  6. Relatives
  7. Friends of parents
  8. Parents of friends
  9. Former salesman
  10. Parents’ employers
  11. Parents’ associates
  12. High School teachers
  13. College professors
  14. Sorority sisters
  15. Fraternity brothers
  16. High school friends
  17. Community Leaders
  18. Christian business groups
  19. Church friends
  20. Wedding lists
  21. Neighbors
  22. Church missions board
  23. Sunday school class
  24. Church directory
  25. Christmas card list
  26. Bible bookstore
  27. Retired people
  28. Foundations
  29. Former neighbors
  30. Coach

Having written out your list you want to gather the addresses of the people you’ve named. creating a master name and address list.


From your list of names, write first to those you feel most likely to give.

The ideal is a handwriten personal letter that presents your needs. While it would be best to send a handwritten note to each contact, it’s not always feasible if you come up with a list of 100 names. Since most people have access to a computer, you can write the same letter to each person and personalize the salutation. Sending people photocopied letters would not be the best, try to make the letters personal.

Here is a basic format you can use to compose your letter.

Keep these points in mind:

  1. Provide a specific date for your letter.
  2. Personalize your greeting, especially if using a form letter.
  3. Acknowledge your relationship with the reader and make it relatable.
  4. Update your reader on your current activities.
  5. Share your journey into Design and your desire to impact lives for Christ through the Spring Break Mission.
  6. Clearly explain your financial need and how the reader can help.
  7. Involve the reader by requesting specific actions, such as contributing to cover conference costs, and mention the deadline.
  8. Express gratitude and emphasize the partnership between you and the reader.
  9. Close the letter and sign it.
  10. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped return envelope.
  11. Request specific amounts if not using a giving page, and guide donors on making checks payable to "Cru."


The degree of your success in the letter-writing strategy depends on your follow-up phone call. The follow-up phone call is critical for three reasons:

  1. Most people suffer from information overload. Consequently, mail is easy to ignore or forget.
  2. Your time frame. You have a lot of money to raise in a short period of time. A follow-up phone call will help you get decisions as quickly as possible. The best suggestion is to call one week after you’ve dropped the letter in the mail.
  3. Courtesy to your ministry partners. Many people will want to help you but won’t unless you call to answer any questions and to get their decision. Your phone call takes the burden of response off them and puts it on you.

Be sure to establish a specific time in the letter to get their decision.
If when you call your potential ministry partner has not made a decision, set another time to call within a day or two.

  1. Introduce yourself. “Hello, ________Uncle.. This is _________ calling. How are you?” Let him respond. Take a few moments to establish rapport, but be brief.
  2. Refer to your letter and explain your Spring Break plans. “As I mentioned in my letter, I am planning to go on a Spring Break Mission sponsored by Design Movement.”
  3. Share what you hope to see God do as a result of your mission trip.
  4. Be very specific to ask for a definite response. “In my letter I asked if you would be in a position to support me financially. Have you had a chance to think about that?” (wait)
  5. Ask to have them give through your giving website.
  6. Remind them if they insist on writing a check to make their check payable to “Cru.”


Send a thank-you note the same day the ministry partner gives you her decision. Be sure to keep a record of this so you’ll know to whom you’ve sent one and so you won’t send two to the same person – that would be bad.

This thank-you letter is an important part of developing a relationship with your ministry partner. This should be a personal, handwritten note or letter. Do not print or copy a form letter or send an email. Always include something personal in your note to show specifically how you and Christ’s cause have benefited from their generosity. You owe them a good thank-you note.
The following is a sample “thank-you” note . . .

Dear ____ Uncle,

Thank you for your gift of $100 to support my ministry this Spring Break. Your prayers and finances are greatly appreciated. Your investment will have far-reaching results as I help reach people for Christ!

Please join me in praying that God would continually deepen my commitment to the cause of Christ. Your prayers are very important. Thanks again for your help.

In Christ,