Summer Missions

Imagine a summer that could change cities, countries and continents around the globe while also forever transforming your life. A summer that propels you into a deeper walk with God and gives you greater confidence in making Him known, a summer that develops your leadership skills and begins friendships you’ll take with you throughout your life. Anywhere you go will involve taking steps of faith, following God as He stretches you to become the kind of person He wants you to be.
Summer Missions with Cru offer opportunities to take the good news of forgiveness in Jesus to virtually anywhere in the world so that ultimately everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus!
Join your peers at our Upper Midwest Partnerships:
Stateside Partnerships (10 week trips)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
Miami, FL
Milwaukee, WI
Badlands, ND
Global Missions UMW Partnerships (4-6 week trips)
Perth, Australia
East Asia
Paris, France
Tanzania, Africa
Trujillo, Peru
The Dunes (Middle East)