“Dominion. The capacity and responsibility to act on behalf of the flourishing of the rest of creation.” “Flourishing requires us to embrace both authority and vulnerability, both capacity and frailty – even, at least in this broken world, both life and death.” Andy Crouch’s book Strong and Weak brought a tidal wave of emotions and […]
“In Enneagram wisdom, the best part of you is also the worst part of you.” – Suzanne Stabile If you read my previous review, you know that it was The Road Back to You that kick-started my Enneagram journey. Whereas that book was all about discovering my Enneagram type and what that meant about how […]
Myers Briggs. StrengthsFinder. DISC. Enneagram. Name a personality test and I have probably taken it. I LOVE them. Not because I think we should put ourselves in a box, or let a test dictate who we are or explain how we act, but because they have always had a way of making me feel less […]
It had been 6 months since I finished my Masters degree and I was starting to feel pressure to figure out “what’s next” and how God would use me in this new season. I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be in life, but I didn’t know why. Why am I […]
12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You A Review of the book by Tony Reinke “We gather to be seen, to feel awkward, and perhaps to feel a little unheard and underappreciated, all on purpose.” Authentic community is hard in the best of times. We show up to sometimes feel unseen. Over the […]