What Is the Meaning of Life?

You are not alone if you have ever wondered about the meaning of life or about the purpose of your own.
Here are testimonies of some who received an answer to this question.

Does My Story Matter?

Does My Story Matter?

"Nicky and Whitney were in the car together, driving to the pharmacy. Suddenly, Whitney said, “We need to talk. I mean we really need to talk.” She turned off the music. “Can we go to a coffee shop?” 

The Books That Changed Edi's Life

The Books That Changed Edi's Life

Edi blamed God for his father’s death, but found freedom after reading More Than a Carpenter and the Bible.

Why Driving to Alaska Made Me a Better Person

Why Driving to Alaska Made Me a Better Person

Megan regularly attended church with her family growing up, but she just couldn’t wrap her mind around faith.

Trusting God Through Failure

Trusting God Through Failure

A filmmaker’s tale of how God used failure to bring about greater success.

Grief, Abuse and Homelessness: A Redemption Story

Grief, Abuse and Homelessness: A Redemption Story

How a young woman suffered intensely and now has a vision to help young people who age out of the foster system.

“Here’s my chance to learn about God”

“Here’s my chance to learn about God”

Sarah always thought being a Christian meant following enough rules. When she learned the truth, she said “People don't know this. We need to tell people.”

Christ and My Craft

Christ and My Craft

“I used to make fun of Christians, but something changed that.”

“I was a prayer request”

“I was a prayer request”

“I picked up a book that said “prayer requests” on it. As I looked in the book, my name was at the top of the list!”

Are We Just Products of Chance?

Are We Just Products of Chance?

“This time last year, I didn’t believe in God.”

One Conversation That Changed Eternity

One Conversation That Changed Eternity

Two American students in South Africa decided to initiate “just one more conversation” that would change the entire course of Anele's life.

After My Brother's Accident

After My Brother's Accident

After his brother’s sudden death, Jordan Rhode questioned God’s plan.

More Than Neighbors

More Than Neighbors

A college freshman learns about God from her friends across the hall.

Giving up my “god”

Giving up my “god”

“On the inside I was spiritually dead.”

From Film to Faith

From Film to Faith

Angelica Diaz experienced great depression throughout high school. In college, she attended a Short Film Festival hosted by Cru, and asked to know God personally in her life.

Finding New Life

Finding New Life

“From as early as I can remember, my mom was a substance abuser…”

It Started With a Survey

It Started With a Survey

Sam Gryzwa gives his life to Christ after taking a spiritual interest survey and attending a Cru Bible study as a freshman in college.

Not Just a Sunday Thing

Not Just a Sunday Thing

Mike learns how to live for Jesus and show Him to others from Athletes in Action at his college wrestling team at Oklahoma State University.

My Life's Turning Point

My Life's Turning Point

Susan learned what was missing in her faith.

Not About Rules

Not About Rules

Through discipleship, Monique learns that God doesn’t want to kill our fun and, if He asks us to give up something, He has something better in mind.



Zack finds God through significant experience and conversation.

Blessed to be Broken

Blessed to be Broken

Tasha from Kean University comes to Christ after failing to change her life through her own power.

My Story: Erik Lightle

My Story: Erik Lightle

A young man who is looking for direction finds that Jesus is the way.

Changing Family

Changing Family

Alejandra’s new relationship with God is leading her family back to faith as well.

My Story: Shawn

My Story: Shawn

My heart just changed, and I believed – just from reading Genesis.

It Takes Commitment

It Takes Commitment

NFL coach Jerry Palmieri's challenge for you.

Finding God on the Street

Finding God on the Street

Kristel Jürgens came to know God through the influence of missionaries who left their homes to come visit hers.

MLB Player Shares His Spiritual Journey

MLB Player Shares His Spiritual Journey

Juan Pierre tells how God became first in his life.

My Story: Brian Gardner

My Story: Brian Gardner

Brian Gardner finds God after talking with a friend and perusing a Bible that he received in a Freshman Survival Kit.

My Story: London Fletcher

My Story: London Fletcher

A football player learns that he does not have to play with anger to be successful on the football field.

My Story: Rebekah Bradford

My Story: Rebekah Bradford

US Speedskater, Rebekah Bradford, used to skate for success and now skates for God.

My Story: Sarina Martinez

My Story: Sarina Martinez

Sarina Martinez, at Northern Illinois University, accepted Christ in September 2010. Her life has changed dramatically, and now she is determined to tell others where her new-found freedom comes from.

My Story: Dr. Hugh Ross

My Story: Dr. Hugh Ross

The story of how astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross began his study of sacred texts and the universe and came to believe in Christ.

My Story: Santei Di Leonardo

My Story: Santei Di Leonardo

Santei Di Leonardo's life was filled with empty relationships and felt purposeless. Since he began his new life in Christ this summer, everything has changed for the better.

Finding Peace

Finding Peace

Founder of C28 clothing stores, Aurelio Barreto, explains life in Christ.

My Story: Ben Carter

My Story: Ben Carter

Varsity soccer player at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan shares testimony.

Losing All to Gain Much

Losing All to Gain Much

A student in Australia risks rejection from her parents for her new faith in Christ.

My Story: Leah O'Brien-Amico

My Story: Leah O'Brien-Amico

Olympic softball player Leah O'Brien-Amico recounts becoming a Christian through Athletes in Action.

New Believer Organize Successful Denver Outreach

New Believer Organize Successful Denver Outreach

Ed Lee volunteered to lead an outreach to other young business professionals, even though he’d been a Christ-follower for a little over 2 years. And, he’s also spiritually mentoring other young men. Ed didn’t wait until he was a seasoned believer to step out in faith.

Becoming a Guide: A Conversation with Tai Le

Becoming a Guide: A Conversation with Tai Le

Through a friend, Tai Lee is invited into Christian community. A couple of years later, someone shares the gospel with him.

Your Turn

Would you like to know God personally?

Would you like to know God personally?

What does it take to begin a relationship with God? These principles will explain how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ.

What is your story?

What is your story?

Everyone has their own unique story of coming to Christ.

What is yours? Was Cru involved?

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