Today's Promise

Today's Promise

Still Present With You

"In just a little while I will be gone from the world, but I will still be present with you. For I will live again - and you will too" (John 14:19).

In this one verse the whole gospel story is expressed, for Jesus is speaking on the day before His death, foretelling just what will happen then and thereafter.

And what He has to say should bring renewed joy and comfort and peace to our hearts in the midst of a chaotic world that perhaps includes an element of chaos even in the home or at the office or in the classroom.

Yes, He was gone from the world to assume His rightful position at the right hand of His heavenly Father - after His death and resurrection. Now He is present with us in the person of His indwelling Holy Spirit, who lives within every believer. And to the extent we give Him control of our hearts and lives, He empowers and enables us to live a supernatural, abundant life.

He prophesies His resurrection - "I will live again" - the joyous truth of which makes possible His final promise to His disciples, "You will live too."

Jesus is saying, in effect that the life of the Christian depends on that of Christ. They are united, and if they were separated, the Christian could not enjoy spiritual life here nor eternal joy hereafter. But He lives! And because He lives, we too shall live - forever, with Him throughout the endless ages of eternity!

Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-11

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: Because Jesus died, arose and now lives at God's right hand while at the same time living in me, I can live the abundant, supernatural life today, and forever!

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