Today's Promise

Today's Promise

See God's Glory

"Jesus saith unto her, 'Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?'" (John 11:40, KJV).

How wonderful to behold the glory of God! And in varying degrees you and I have the capability and opportunity of doing that very thing!

Jesus here, of course, is talking to Martha about her brother Lazarus, whom He was just about to raise form the dead. The message is plain: "Because you believed, Martha, you will see the glory of God in the raising of Lazarus."

Because you and I dare to believe God today, against all evidence and appearances to the contrary, He will let us see something of His glory. Just what is meant by that?

Most scholars agree that the glory of God in this context at least, refers to the power and goodness displayed in the resurrection. That holds endless possibilities of fulfillment.

Amazing, isn't it, that the simple matter of believing often is so difficult for the believer, as we are called? "Ye receive not, because ye ask not." "According to your faith be it unto you." "Ye receive not because ye ask amiss."

May our Lord increase our faith by driving us into His Word, since "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by His Word."

Bible Reading: John 11:35-44

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: I truly desire to experience the glory of God in my life. To this end I will, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, live a life of faith and obedience.

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