Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/sex/masturbation

To the Woman Addicted to Porn – You're Not Alone

Jessica Harris was addicted to hardcore pornography. She wants to tell other struggling women, “You’re not alone.”

Small Group Studies for Women

Fantasy is a collection of insights from several contributing writers, about all the stuff women talk about and some they don’t, but should.

The 'M' Word

This is an insightful article on a difficult subject. It’s also an awkward subject, so we’ll simply say that the ‘M’ doesn’t stand for Marriage, Mascara or Madden Football.

Desire Series - Discussion Guides

Discussion guides for the Desire series for women.

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Sign up to access our Desire series discussion guides.

No One Can Fight Your Battles, But They Can Stand With You

Do you have someone to run alongside as you pursue a healthy sexuality?

Warning - Porn and Masturbation Are Not Safe Sex

If I’m not technically having sex, where’s the risk in enjoying my fantasies?

How To Enjoy Sex the Way God Designed

Only when we understand God’s picture of healthy sexuality can we hope to experience healthy desire.

The Desire Series

Accompany three women who share their experiences of struggling to live by God’s plan for their sexual desires.

How to Break Free From the Cycle of Pornography Addiction

Pornography is wrecking our marriages, our ministries and our connection with God. This resource helps men walk through a discovery and recovery process together.

Circuit Breaker

We’re all tired of seeing men—leaders, pastors, husbands—disqualifying themselves. God’s gift and design for sex has been perverted and twisted almost beyond recognizing. Circuit Breaker is set up for weekly one-on-one mentoring, but could also be used in a Small Group setting. This is an attempt to get something concise, clear, and effective out there to help men walk through a discovery and recovery process together.

FLESH SERIES: What's Up With Masturbation?

What does God have to say on the topic of masturbation?

FLESH SERIES: Sex, Lust, Porn and The Christian

The FLESH Series is an introduction to God's design for sexuality, the battle of lust and porn, and how Jesus sets us free.

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