Warning - Porn and Masturbation Are Not Safe Sex

Discussion Guide

Thank you for choosing to engage with the Desire series.

We hope this guide will help you discuss the material with a friend. Your conversation will be more rewarding if you take some time to read through the article and this guide before you meet.

Getting Started

  1. If you’re comfortable doing so, invite God to be part of your conversation.
  2. Discuss what stood out to you from the article.
  3. Talk about anything from the article that you have questions about or don’t understand.

Key Points From Article #3

  • When you watch porn there’s no risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy or even a broken heart. So it seems like a safe alternative to the safest sex.

    • Sexual acts like pornography, masturbation and even sexting — are they healthy and safe expressions of our sexuality?
  • Instead of connection, pornography drives isolation. Instead of a sacrificial love, it rewards aggression and violence. It paints an unrealistic picture of sex in our minds that leads to unfair expectations when we’re in actual relationships.

    • How has pornography affected your view of relationships and sex?
      In what way can you identify with Jessica’s story?
  • Some women feel it’s their right to masturbate. If God isn’t giving them a proper source of sexual satisfaction, they will take care of it themselves.

    • Do you trust that God’s intentions for you are completely good? Why or why not?

Next Steps — Read through these together.

  • If you struggle with pornography, sexting or masturbation, find a quiet place and time to think about what the underlying issues are that you need to address.
  • If you need help resisting the temptation to look at pornography, check out some accountability software: Covenant Eyes or Accountable2You
  • Mark a date on your calendar to discuss another article from the Desire series.





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Sex Women

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