Use this 29-day campaign to dive deeper into the emotions we all feel: sadness, joy, love and fear.
As a college student you’re likely to spend hours every day on social media, so how do you use time to share your faith with friends.
Though it seems like you’re lowest on the totem pole, you’ve actually got an advantage. Decisions you start this year will shape your future years in college still to come. With this in mind, here are some things that I wish I had known as a first-semester student.
A classic message from Ron Hutchcraft about our primary purpose.
Our incredibly high ratio of exposures to involved new believers has left me longing for our evangelistic approaches to be not only successful, but also effective.
What started as an outlet for Ruth to talk about her faith and make friends has actually shown her what Christians can learn from sororities.
Practical Ways to Improve Your Next Men’s Time.
How do you respond to someone who tells you that Jesus literally appeared to them?
Andy Atkins, Cru staff in Cambridge, England began pioneering a new movement just over a year ago and chose to use a provocative public event as a catalyst.
50 questions on Josh McDowell's book "More than a Carpenter."
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