Articles on Target-audience:roles/donor

Worldwide Challenge Magazine

Learn about Worldwide Challenge, the magazine of Cru.

VIDEO: Our Efforts Are Not in Vain

Thank you video from Steve Douglass.

Position on Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest can occur when a party at interest stands to benefit personally from his/her relationship with Campus Crusade for Christ International while maintaining a financial relationship with an external vendor or service provider.

Independent Governing Board and Financial Audits

The Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors which meet at least four times per year. The Board consists of eleven members, nine of whom are independent and two of whom are officers and employees of the organization.

Real Property and Insurance Gift Acceptance Guidelines

The ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International gratefully receives many kinds of real property gifts each year. They provide an important source of funds to keep the ministry growing.

Liquidation of Non-Cash Donations

As the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International pursues the mandate to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation, it believes that all available resources should be at work in the furtherance of this goal. Therefore, non-cash donatio

Position on Gift Designation and Reassignment

It is the position of Campus Crusade for Christ International that any donation given by a ministry partner in response to an appeal for a specified project will be used for that purpose.

Commitment to Ministry Partners

Christian stewardship is based on biblical truth. Campus Crusade for Christ International embraces those principals of stewardship, realizing that giving is essential for spiritual growth and to the furtherance of the Kingdom.

Commitment to Confidentiality and Security of Donor Information

Campus Crusade for Christ International values and honors the privacy of its financial partners by establishing an environment of trust and safety. Information about our ministry partners and prospective partners is kept strictly confidential by all autho

Donor Relations

Answers to questions on donations, financial policies, Cru’s annual report and more.

Port Cities Project

Reach a closed nation family

Ukraine Emergency Fund

Help Ukrainians and Cru Missionaries

Freshman Survival Kits

Help share Christ with students

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