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The late Charles Spurgeon told of a warrior of towering reputation whose enemies feared him greatly. More than anything else, they feared his sword, whose power had inspired wild rumors and legends. After hearing enough of these wild tales, his king finally demanded an examination of the notorious battle weapon. The warrior had his celebrated sword delivered to the palace by special messenger.
The king examined the weapon closely before finally sending back this message: "I see nothing wonderful in the sword; I cannot understand why any man should be afraid of it."
The warrior replied, "Your Majesty has been pleased to examine the sword, but I did not send the arm that wielded it. If you had examined that, you would have understood the mystery."
None of us, in our own strength, is any more impressive than that sword. But as we submit to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to wield us, we become amazing instruments for God's glory. The Spirit is God's powerful presence within us.
Next to our Lord's crucifixion and resurrection, I believe the arrival of the Spirit at Pentecost was the most earth-shaking event in human history. As the Spirit arrived to transform the followers of Jesus, the cowardly became courageous, and the defeated became victorious. The Roman Empire itself was unable to withstand the Spirit's mighty momentum.
Best of all, I can tell you that the Holy Spirit is still alive and well today. It remains only for us to follow His lead.
Your View of God Really Matters ...
Have you been trying your very best to live the Christian life? How's it going? Today, take your focus off yourself and your best efforts and focus on who God is, allowing His Spirit to live through you by His mighty power.
Learn more about God’s character at Discover God, by Bright Media Foundation, an affiliate of Cru.
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