Articles on Secular-topics:emotions/trust

When You Love a Prodigal

When You Love a Prodigal will remind you that God walks beside you every step of the way. At the end of each of the 90 reflections, response questions help you process what God is saying.

Rest Assured

Going, giving, doing, saying… all of that can add up to a way of being. Or it can feel like our relationship with God is dependent on being good at those things. But 1John 5:11-13 tells another story.

From Fear to Faith – Inch by Inch

“Can I trust you God?” I find myself asking this question everyday. I may not be aware of the exact wording, but this question follows the big decisions and challenges of life, and rightly it should. No matter how large or small my struggles are it’s important that I keep my fretting eyes on Jesus. But then, a second question slithers into my soul, “What do I need to do?”

Say "Yes" To Being Single

When we embrace God’s gift of singleness, we more fully experience Him.

Is God a Time-Waster?

The Bible tells us over and over again to “wait patiently.” What do you do when it feels like God is moving too slowly?

4 Practical Things to Do Instead of Worrying

We cross the line into worry when we start to dwell on the things we can't control. So how do we stop? And how do we prevent it?

When God Is Silent, What Do You Do?

Do you ever feel like God is silent as you wait on Him? But what if, instead of you waiting on God, He is waiting on you? Learn how to respond to God in these uncertain times.

How To Trust God As You Wait

Do I trust God enough to wait on Him? That’s what one woman wondered after a mysterious diagnosis. Here’s how she learned to wait on God even as her hope was put on hold time and time again.

How Do I Give Thanks Even in Suffering?

Thanksgiving is no quick, easy fix, or recipe for skipping past our emotions. In fact, it’s the opposite. When your fists are balled, hold onto God who can take on any anxiety.

What I Did After Surviving a Mass Shooting

Jim Tucker chooses forgiveness after being shot by the gunman that also injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Out of Africa and Back to France

Francis and Marie-Carmen Didier’s new adventure is to return home to France as the country’s national director.

I Lost a Friend but Learned How to Trust God

The unexpected loss of a close friendship helped one person trust God in a deeper way.

How to Move Forward After Graduation

God seems to lead some people to a specific place or job. But what if you don’t see a flashing sign or a bolt of lightning telling you what to do? Here’s how to move forward.

Confessions of A Burnt Out Missionary

In America, being busy and working so hard that you don’t rest is seen as a badge of honor. But take it from someone who’s burnt out, that’s a total farce.

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