Articles on Faith-topics:attributes-of-god/god-is-personal

4 Questions for Anyone Struggling to Pray

Since prayer is our main form of communication with God, prayer itself is the relationship. Here are 4 ways we can look at our relationships with people to learn about our relationship with God.

Sit With Me: Jesus’ Invitation to You

What does the Bible mean when it says believers are “seated with Christ?” It’s pretty simple.

Moving From Religion to Relationship

Reasons why meeting quietly with God helps you know Him better.

Our New Relationship With God

When you made that decision and invited Jesus into your life, it is important to know, did God hear you? Yes. Jesus promised that He would enter our lives, if we ask Him.

Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Have you ever wondered what God is like? Your view of God and His character might be more important than you ever knew. Everything about your life is influenced by your perception of who He is.

How Do I Hear God’s Voice?

Hearing God’s voice is vital to your walk with Him. Get helpful tips about how to identify distractions and practice hearing God’s voice.

20 Inspiring Bible Verses About God’s Amazing Love for You

God’s love in the Scriptures is described in these 20 Bible verses that remind us of His sacrificial love toward those who’ve rejected Him.

Safe in the Hands of the Potter

When making changes in your life seems overwhelming, you need to know God is there for you. He’s already figured out the shape He wants your life to take.

Michael Jebaraj

Michael is the director of affairs for India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives. He leads 600 full-time trained staff and over 2,500 JESUS Film and administrative staff members. Michael became a staff member in 1979 and married Judith in 1988. They have three children: Jonathan Michael, Jeremy Michael and Grace Michael.

My Story: Leslie Davis

I have gone to church all my life. But, my view of God was different, says Leslie Davis whose life was changed through the influence of her friends and a thought provoking presentation of the Truth of Jesus Christ.

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