Starting a Ministry

Planning the Campus Year

Student Linc

This resource was designed to give you an overview of the ministry year and make some suggestions for you to consider as you plan.

Disclaimer: Your plan may look different from this general overview depending on the stage of development of your local ministry. We have given you several suggestions but do not expect that you will do all of them.

Here is an overview of the major events in the campus ministry year.

First Six Weeks —lots of evangelistic contacts.

Fall Retreat and End of First Semester — connecting new students and continued evangelism. Christmas Conference

Second Semester —building on momentum of Christmas Conference.
Last Two Months —preparing for next school year.

Summer Projects

There are times in the school year which are better to plan specific ministry events (evangelistic, training, small groups, etc..) than other times. Understanding the cycles of momentum of campus ministry will assist you as you plan your year.


The first six weeks of the school year is one of the most important times in your campus ministry. Your priorities are:

  • Prayer
  • Evangelism
  • Gathering and connecting new people with your movement

These ministry activities will flow out of these priorities:

  • Prayer chains and other prayer strategies
  • Freshmen Survival Kit Distribution and/or surveys with follow-up
  • Putting up posters on campus
  • Begin small groups
  • Social gatherings and/or Weekly Meetings
  • Challenge students to attend Fall Retreat


As you move beyond the first six weeks, you want to begin to consolidate and help your newer people to get more connected to your movement.

Getting new students to attend a Fall Retreat will go a long way in helping you to connect these new students and challenge them to greater involvement in your movement.

After the Retreat, you will want to consider some of these activities:

  • Continue to follow-up surveys and FSKs
  • Involve new people in the movement
  • Continue evangelism
  • Put up new posters on campus
  • Continue to connect people to small groups
  • Training
  • Social gatherings
  • Challenge students to attend Christmas or Winter Conference
  • Have an evangelistic event or theme


Cru Christmas Conferences are rare opportunities to build vision and deepen growth in students’ lives in such a little time.

At the conference, students will make critical decisions that will deepen their walk and commitment to the Lord.  They will also:

  • Experience high energy worship
  • Receive practical ministry training and Biblical teaching
  • Be exposed to summer mission opportunities in the US and abroad
  • Build deeper relationships with others in your movement
  • Develop a greater vision as they see what God is doing through the ministry of Cru around the world


As the new semester starts, you will have more students who have caught the vision of reaching the campus for Christ. This is a high momentum time which you will want to focus on:

  • Evangelism
  • Equipping students to reach the campus and make disciples

These ministry activities will flow out of these priorities:

  • Prayer – both group and individual
  • Possible Freshmen Survival Kit Distribution and/or surveys with follow-up
  • Evangelistic event or theme
  • Make known on campus: Put up Posters, Share articles/videos on Facebook
  • Start new small groups
  • Weekly Meeting
  • Summer Missions Challenge and applications
  • Big Break or Spring Retreat


The focus of the last two months of the school year is to look ahead to the next one. Evaluation, planning and preparing new leaders will be your priorities. These activities will flow out of the priority to prepare for the next school year:

• Continuing evangelism
• Pick and equip new leaders
• Evaluation of current year
• Plan and prepare for the fall
• Prayer for the summer and fall
• Leader’s Retreat
• Order Freshman Survival Kits
• Raise funds for summer project
• Prepare students in the movement to continue to grow and thrive over the summer


Cru Summer Missions are trips with over 15 US locations and 50 worldwide. These projects last anywhere from 6-12 weeks depending on the location.

Summer Missions offer an incredible, life-changing experience that shapes character and focuses life mission. Benefits to the student:

• Leadership development
• Ministry training and experience
• Growth environment and community

Summer Missions are crucial elements to the local campus ministry because they develop the future leadership of the campus ministry.

You will want to begin talking to students about summer missions at the end of September and beginning of October. Your heaviest recruitment time will be during and after Christmas Conference.

Download a helpful map (PDF) of the Campus Year.

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