
Step 4: Connect With the Servant Team

In the structure of the church, you have your elders and you have your deacons. In the world of campus ministry, you typically have your missional team, comprised of staff and volunteers, and you have your Servant Team comprised of student leaders.

In the case of a student-led ministry the two are one in the same.

While the Servant Team may provide input or ideas as a whole, each member of the Servant Team typically has his or her own area of responsibility.

For example several members of the Servant Team may have responsibility for leading the student prayer initiative. Several others may have responsibility to run the Weekly Meeting, or be involved with the Tech Team that serves the ministry in all things technical. Others on the Servant Team may have responsibility for student parties and socials, while others are in charge of worship or conferences.

These student leaders can recruit other students not involved in leadership to help them with their area of service but they are responsible. And so meeting with your student Servant Team gives you the opportunity to check on progress, hear updates, solve problems, and provide direction to the entire scope of student ministry.

These are the students, your Servant Team, that you want to pull together at the beginning of the year to both get and give input. You will also want to meet with them on a regular basis throughout the school year.

The success of a Servant Team will always be proportionate to the quality of student you invite to be part of the team, so select and challenge wisely. To that end, here is a sample Servant Team job description and application.  (Download the PDF above.)





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