Bible Studies

Don't Hold Your Breath

Student Linc

The semester is over. You’re getting ready for Christmas and for your upcoming Winter Conferences. So you probably aren’t interested in reading a tip, especially about anything that isn’t immediately relevant. So just tuck this one away for when you begin planning the Spring semester.

Our ministry has historically been marked by a dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is necessary for seeing God work in and through us. The great adventure called the Christian life is only possible as we walk in the power of the Spirit.

I was part of a meeting recently where we were talked about the progress we are making in our ministry. In most cases, we did statistically better in the 2010-11 campus year than we did over the previous year. However, one area where we were really down was in Holy Spirit presentations. Down 32%.

Back in October, our team watched a video on the ministry of the Holy Spirit that I thought was well done. “Don’t Hold Your Breath” by Broken Phone Productions, follows Rick James as he explains this vital message. In his casual manner, Rick offers a fairly classic presentation of what it means to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

“Don’t Hold Your Breath” is about 15 minutes long and would easily fit in any Bible Study session or weekly meeting. Why not  preview it yourself and schedule a time next semester for a specific emphasis on the Spirit-Filled life.

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