The booklet covers the identity of a faithful warrior, knowing God, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and building spiritual fitness through the Word, prayer, fellowship, witnessing, obedience and putting Christ first.
Life is short. Your time as an athlete is even shorter. This doesn’t mean that sports don’t matter; rather that you can invest your sport, and all of your life, into building God’s eternal kingdom, not your own. You were made for more than your sport.
We can’t choose our trials, but we can choose our responses to them. In Better > Bitter, athletes will discover how God has purpose in their pain and learn to honor God in the way they respond to hardships in both sport and life.
Motivation matters. Without it, athletes have lost the game before it’s even started. Inside Game examines the things that fuel the athlete, from poor motivators to good ones, and shows that what drives us matters deeply to God.
Holy Sweat is aimed at helping you understand that growing in your relationship with God takes concentrated effort, dependence on the Holy Spirit, and intentional reading of God’s Word.
If God alone is worthy of worship, why do we spend so much time worshipping our sport? Are you ready to compete for an audience of one?
Spend time alone with God to strengthen your relationship with Him.
What began as a game for me, developed into a habit which amazingly transformed into quality time with my Friend.
God has hard-wired each of us to experience Him uniquely.
Missions are not the ultimate goal of the Church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.
Prayer is an ongoing dialogue with God and a natural response to His work in our lives. The ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication) model of prayer is an easy and effective guide to an individual or corporate time in prayer.
Idolatry is the worship of a false God. It's anything that people serve, love, desire, trust, fear, and worship that isn't God.
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