Forbes may seem an unlikely place for an article about tithing. But there it was. Under the headline, “Irrational Act,” was an article about a man who earned a high income but could never save any of it. Raised in a strict church that demanded payment of the tithe just as the IRS demands payment of our taxes, not surprisingly, he drifted away from church.
We are embarking on a great adventure as we seek to be more like Jesus. We want to Go, Do, Say and Give what God wants of us and we’re inviting you to pledge the same. Will you join us on this adventure? #ThePledge
Cru staff members around the world work in politically challenging and impoverished areas. Would you consider joining them with a financial gift to be a part of God’s provision?
"In the days when television was a luxury we could not afford, we would sit on the linoleum floor around my great-grandmother’s rocking chair and listen to her tell stories..."
After desiring more than a traditional Bible study group, one woman started a Women of Vision group that gives to gospel-centered work overseas.
Jesus gave Himself as a fragrant sacrifice. Our gifts to God can also be an expression of worship.
Marilyn launched a movement of generous givers in Southeast Asia and is influencing the world.
God sees our hearts as we give to him, even when we feel ashamed. He is like a dad who sees his daughter as she gives him a plastic donut.
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