Bible Studies

How to Be Successful in Studying the Bible

Hope Griffin


When I first started studying my Bible, I would say a prayer, open it up and let the pages fall where they would.

I often landed in the center, in Psalms, a book full of poetry and passion. It was the perfect place to meet my emotional needs. But the Bible is much bigger than the Psalms. It’s 66 books big. And I didn’t have a plan for tackling the rest of it.

Second Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) tells us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” You will find beauty and instruction in every part of the Bible.

At first, I stayed in the Psalms because of their rhythm and beauty. Now I find the entire Bible challenging and exhilarating. But it took me a while to get there.

So how can you get there? Where do you start?

Begin With Your Interests: What Do You Want to Do?

See the Big Picture?

Make a goal to read the entire Bible. There are Bible apps that offer a variety of reading plans to guide you.

Cru staff member Rebecca Kelsall shares how this Bible In A Year Plan helped her. Or try this 90-day plan and reading guide that will help you piece together the whole story of the Bible.

Go Deep?

Choose a book of the Bible or a topic to study in depth. Or learn how to see where Christ is found throughout all of Scripture. “One Story” teaches you how to read the Bible’s different literary styles (poetry, letters, narrative, law, etc.) through a Christ-centered lens.

Build a Habit?

While I began with letting the pages fall where they would, that approach is not sustainable.

Four Sevens” is a “28-day devotional experiment” that will help you establish the daily discipline of intentional Bible reading by studying the Gospel of Luke.

It’s Your Plan

It’s important to find a plan that works for you — one that will help you stay motivated and focused.

I carve out 30 minutes after my children have left for school to spend time in the Bible. These quiet moments of study are essential to the rest of my day. They’ve become a habit that, when I miss it, I notice and crave it.

What’s Your Next Step?

Learn more about how to study the Bible.

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