
Pamoja! Africa!

Students from across Africa gather for a life-changing conference.

photo by J.B. Dasalla

“Pa-mo-ja, Africa!” students and leaders chanted back and forth at this year’s third annual conference. Pamoja is a Christian leadership conference, hosted by Cru Africa. This year, Pamoja III was held at Covenant University in Lagos, Nigeria from December 28 to January 3, 2013 with a vision of, “Helping raise a new generation of transformational leaders for a new Africa and beyond.”

There were over 2,000 participants, students, professionals and pastors from 34 countries. The participants were challenged and inspired to be a light in their nations.

There were tracks for students and professionals. The tracks offered training and information about ministry concepts such as, Transformational Leadership, Work Ethics or How to Use Short Films for Evangelism.

On one of the last evenings, conference attendees were called to be part of the answer to the many people groups that have never heard the name of Jesus. Hundreds responded to the call.

  • 206 committed to full-time ministry
  • 322 made commitments to the professional ministry
  • 85 rededicated their lives to live radically for Christ.
  • 400+ people indicated interest in participating in a short-term mission project
  • 500+ committed to joining the Africa prayer movement.

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