
4 Tips for Being a Spiritual Explorer

1) What do you most fear when talking with people about Jesus? Journal about how approaching evangelism as an explorer could lessen those fears.

2) Decide to start 3 conversations with someone who is spiritually unknown to you. Here are some starter questions to ask:

Exploring the Past

  • What was your religious background as a child?
  • What have you tried in your spiritual journey since?

Exploring the Present

  • Where are you now in your spiritual journey?
  • How has _________ (specific event) left you feeling?

Exploring the Future

  • What do you desire the most?
  • Do you think you are moving toward God, away from God or staying about the same?
  • Do you want to know God?

3) Brainstorm 5 questions of your own that you would be comfortable using as a spiritual explorer. Write them down on a note card and memorize them.

4) Look at the list of 3 people you wrote down in part 1. Take 15 minutes and write down what you know of their spiritual condition. What have they said to you in the past that gives a glimpse into their soul?





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