Want to Start a Ministry on Your Campus?

Where Do I Start?

어디에서 시작 하는가-당신의 캠퍼스 사역을 시작 하 고 싶어

We have a definition of success in Cru that goes, “Taking the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.”  

This applies to launching and leading movements. Our job is to take the initiative. God gets to do whatever He wants with our steps of faith. That takes the pressure off us.

We take the initiative by talking to Him about His mission. We leave the results to God by believing that He is the only one who can change hearts. Both of these happen in prayer. We pray:

  • That the God who can bring people from death to life will do so among those we are trying to reach.
  • That the God who is our strength will give us boldness to share the gospel and invite others into His mission.
  • That the God who has called you into His family would put other laborers alongside you in this vision.

If God wants every person to hear about Jesus and if He has invited every believer to be a part of that goal, then it makes sense that He would love to hear and answer our prayers toward that end.

Prayer also gives us a chance to humble ourselves before God. It keeps us from relying on our own plans or skills and reminds us that only God can build His kingdom.

How about setting aside some times of prayer each week and keeping your heart open to how God will begin to work in response to your pleas.

What specific requests do you want to begin praying for?

Who could you invite to pray alongside you?

Call or text us at (978) 482-7713 to talk with a coach.

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Transform Lives, Starting with Yours

Understand God’s work in your life. Reach those around you and build communities of faith.

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