Outreach Strategies

Reflecting Jesus in a Time of Pandemic

During COVID-19 it’s easy to feel like nothing will be good again. It’s easy to let fear and uncertainty drive you.

But what if you looked for ways, big or small, to reflect Jesus to your community whether you’re able to go grocery shopping or are unable to leave your home there are ways to bless others and show them Jesus.

Read through these ideas and use them as a launching point to see what Jesus is calling you to do. Use #ReflectJesusWithMe to inspire others to take the leap to do something the bless others in a time when everyone needs to see that their family, friends, neighbors and community are there and love them with a love of Jesus.

Ways to do your own #ReflectJesusWithMe:

  • Make care packages - Create care packages with supplies for seniors or people with preexisting health conditions. Reach out to nursing homes or community groups to see if they know of people in need.

  • Drive-By Hi’s - Get in your car and simply drive around your neighborhood with the windows down to say a quick “hi” to your neighbors. Everyone misses real connection, and you can provide that at a safe distance.

  • Driveway giveaways - Set out packaged items like plastic-wrapped popcorn or wrapped candy with a sign telling your neighbors to come and enjoy.

  • Drive-through Scavenger Hunt - Put up a stuffed teddy bear in your window so the children in your neighborhood can go on a bear hunt.

  • Use your social media to “Honor heroes of the week” - Some of those heroes are doctors, nurses, grocery employees, janitorial staff, restaurant employees, etc.

  • Decorate your yard with hopeful messages - “Thank you heroes!” “We stay home for you!” or just put up your Christmas decorations to make your yard a little more festive.

  • Taking food to neighbors - Find out who near you is in need of help getting groceries or other essential items. Our elderly and high risk neighbors are in need of items and scared to go out in public. If you can’t leave your house, order groceries or a meal to be delivered to their home.

  • Go on a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Ask these three questions:
    1. How are you doing?
    2. Do you need anything?
    3. How can I pray for you? If you can’t leave your house, use Google Maps to pray for your neighborhood, or simply call a neighbor to see how you can pray for them.

  • Encourage through driveway art - Make chalk art murals of encouragement for others to see and enjoy. People are walking around more than usual, what a pleasant surprise to walk past.

  • Snail Mail - send handwritten letters to friends, family members or even your local neighbors in your communities with notes of encouragement and maybe a encouraging drawing/verse.

  • Check in on others through food deliveries - sending something small like a beverage or a favorite treat through your favorite food delivery app (if you can’t leave your home).

Ideas from others for #ReflectJesusWithMe

  • “I gathered my neighbor's phone numbers and created a Neighborhood phone list with house numbers (embedded in map) and phone numbers which I distributed to all of our neighbors. The heart behind this was to see who may need help that’s living right near you.”
    — Kerry Resch, Montana

  • “I always buy my toilet paper on sale and knew I could bless others with my abundance. I used grape juice bottles for the vase, put the toilet paper on top, tied with a ribbon and used Gerber daisies from Trader Joe's. I've dropped bouquets off to people who are dealing with cancer, healthcare workers, ministry partners and disciples along with some pumpkin bread. It has been a fun way to bring joy to people's days.”
    — Trish Smith, Tennessee

  • “Our family put chocolate and a note that introduces ourselves on the doorstep of each of our neighbors, rang the doorbell, stood six feet back and said hi and that we care in this time. My wife is now texting one mother that is at home by herself with three young girls while her husband is deployed in the military. There is a story behind every door and we feel that if there is ever a time to hear those stories and be Jesus in the middle of being cooped up at home it is now!  We want to live out the phrase we have heard often, ‘Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation.’”
    — Brian and Erin Clark, Florida

  • “My family packed about 50 goodie bags with candy, coloring sheets, a DVD from the Jesus Film, the Four Keys tract and a gospel bracelet. After that, we busted out paints and chalk and made the bottom portion of a driveway a swirly, cute tree. Saturday morning we put out a table with the bags and a sign that said “Packed with love and gloves.” It was awesome to be able to meet and connect with dozens of people we had never met before and those families have the gospel in their households. What an awesome blessing to bless others.”
    — Mick Haupt, Florida

  • “We saw a local group is providing food for families in need during this crisis. We sent an email to our church family with the opportunity. Our friends stepped up and we were able to make a delivery to the distribution center with our donations. It was a one shot opportunity, but we were excited to serve and let our community know that our church cares.”
    — Mandy and Leon Poplawski, Illinois

  • “In the midst of a pandemic, many groups of people have been going without vital services to survive. One of those groups are community members experiencing homelessness. To fill in the gap for the days when there is no meal service I have been making snack bags. More than 400 snack packs have been passed out along with an equal amount of cold bottles of water by myself and friends.”
    — Kimeche Carmichael

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