QUIZ: How Can You Reflect Jesus Through Generosity?

Your Results

Here is a story that may inspire you to take your next step:

How God Can Use One Act of Generosity to Change a Life

With a small step of faith, a group of friends pull off a great act of generosity that shows the joy of giving is for both giver and the receiver. To get the most out of this, spend time journaling answers to the questions and praying about how to apply it in your life.

The Big Give from Generous Giving on Vimeo.

Video Questions:

  • What stood out to you?
  • When you see the story of how their lives completely changed with one kind act that was perfectly orchestrated by God, what new ideas or feelings does it give you? 
  • How do you feel God calling you to weave your story with someone else's through generosity?
  • What action step are you going to take as a result of this story? (See the exciting ending here in Part 2.)


    Check out these ideas to take a fresh, new step in your generosity. God will use you, guaranteed.

    See My Next Steps



    I Like Car

    Get your tissues ready. Meet a group of people who made a huge impact and probably think about generosity like you do.

    Tim Keller: A Fresh Perspective on the Gospel and Generosity

    You’ve heard a lot of sermons on generosity and giving, but you’re thinking, “Come on, give me something new.” The message from Tim Keller in the video below will rattle your thoughts and stir you in a good way.

    Cultivating a Generous Family

    Jimmy and Laura didn’t set out to raise a generous family, but to be people who followed Jesus. The results and the impact on their family have been compelling as they purposed to live simply, work diligently and give generously.





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