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Blessing the Nations

by Jojo Besin

As another year beckoned, we stepped into it with excitement, forearmed with unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness upon the ministry of Cru all these years. Realizing that a myriad of challenges looms ahead of us, the National Leadership Team (NLT), together with local key leaders, came together to map out, outline, and dissect what they envisioned to be Cru’s initiatives for 2023.

In our strategic planning refinement, we were able to clearly analyze and critique the panoramic view of our current state and how past initiatives had weighed in on it. This allowed us to identify loose ends and unmarked territories that we identified as new frontiers of opportunities and breakthroughs available to us this year. Thus ensued an enhanced vision running along the lines of sustainable movements this year, reaching out to the whole Philippines and across other nations globally.

As the movement expands its reach with the use of various strategies and platforms to address different target audiences and cities, the potential to be a true blessing to other nations becomes more apparent.

Campus Crusade for Christ, as a global movement, has the mandate to fulfill the Great Commission. Towards this end, it is crucial for Cru Philippines to participate actively in enhancing global initiatives that may inevitably involve sharing of expertise, skills, and resources particularly in the Southeast Asia and South Asia (SESA) region.

True to its calling, Cru Philippines has initiated intentional partnership with Cambodia and Nepal to help the spiritual movements in these countries advance to a more mature stage.

The NLT seeks to share whatever resources it can offer to bless other countries in the SESA region, whether it’s leadership,influence,finances,orexpertise.Recently, God moved the hearts of several Filipino staff to provide financial support to fellow missionaries from Nepal. God has also graciously allowed us to share financial resources with a few countries that have struggled because of political or economic instability. But our partnership goes beyond finances. We have been able to send mission teams and offer various training to our counterparts in the region. This September, new missionary recruits from Sri Lanka and Myanmar are undergoing the New Staff Training (NST) in the Philippines.

Partnership has also allowed us to make a collective impact in other countries like Japan, Turkey, and the Middle East. In Dubai, we have conducted “Building City Movements” training with professionals working in various fields.

This ministry year, a team has been formed to conduct follow-up visits to areas where previous partnership initiatives have been launched. The team is preparing for an Ekbale (Greek word for “sending out”) project, boosting the movement with the presence of professionals from the business sector in Cambodia. Another staff member will conduct training in Kazakhstan, while others are assigned to long-term collaborative work in other countries.

Truly, we can say that the Lord has given us exciting privileges and exceptional opportunities for the ministry this year! It is my utmost prayer that all of us in our movement, as part of the universal body of Christ globally, will continue to intentionally respond and help other countries in whatever way we can. This way, we are helping equip believers of Christ wherever they may be to respond to the challenge of the gospel and productively win souls for God.


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