Digital Strategies


VISION: Digital Strategies envisions reaching out to people in the digital field and empowering other Christians as well to utilize digital platforms to share Christ. 

SPIRITUAL CONDITION: We continue to seek God's will in each of our lives as well as a team while at the same time being in awe of His works through us.

CHALLENGE: While we may not have much staff with us, we are amazed how God continues to lead volunteers -- we pray to be able to empower more and minister to them as we serve.



August and September Social Media Campaign

Pray for our upcoming social media campaign in August and September. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for those involved in launching and managing the campaign. We hope this effort will help us connect with individuals who are open to joining and be discipled in our movement.

Team Support Raising

Please pray for our team as we work to raise support for this new ministry year, with a goal of P500,000. We ask that God guide us to individuals He has already prepared to partner with us. We plan to have TMPD this August. 

Praise Report:

Praise God for His provision in meeting our needs. We are grateful that all of our full-time staff have been cleared for ministry.

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