

We envision leaders, movements and national ministries of Cru moving to healthy financial interdependence, fueled by an abundance and generosity mentality.

LIFE depends solely on God for every need of the missionaries, local movements, and national ministries of Cru. The Proper Focus of DMPD - What is God teaching us? - has become the main thing that guides LIFE in accomplishing its tasks too.

LIFE needs additional teammates so it can expand and achieve more towards Cru Sustainability, by the grace of God.

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for our Ministry Partners according to 2 Corinthians 9:6-14. May they all be cheerful givers whose giving is an outflow of their deepening relationship with God. May they be enriched in every way so that they can be generous on every occasion, and their generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

2. Pray that Cru missionaries will continue to look to God, Jehovah Jireh for every need - physical, financial, emotional, mental, and spiritual. May the love of Jesus Christ compel them to work hard in DMPD and trust God for great things.

3. Pray for Cru Ph to reach sustainability - every missionary, local team, and national ministry having adequate financial resources to help fulfill the Great Commission in the Philippines and beyond, blessing the nations.


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