Start line freedom journey

Cru: Start Here!



Here’s a step-by-step guide to START a ministry at your local high school or middle school campus:

Our most significant ministry happens when we train students to become missionaries to their peers. We call it “Win, Build, Send.”

What is your Vision?

  • After spending a significant amount of time in prayer and the Word, what needs of teenagers are most pressing on your heart?
  • How would things be different if all teenagers at school would come to know Christ?
  • What do you want to see God do at your local school? How do you want the school to be different 2-4 years from now?

Learn how to explain Cru, using the School within a School diagram. 

Share your vision with your College Ministry leadership and then call the High School Ministry. You can talk to a local High School Ministry staff person in your area or call the High School’s Coaching Center at 877-GoCampus to speak with a personal ministry coach who is available to provide phone “coaching” or training, along with tools and encouragement – all for free.

Call 877-GoCampus (462-2678) or find out how you can volunteer with Cru’s High School Ministry.

In order for you to use the name Cru or Campus Crusade for Christ for your ministry or activities, you’ll need to apply and be accepted. Also, all volunteers need to apply.

Apply to work with Cru

 Share the vision for your ministry with others and give them specific roles to play.

      Setting up a Team The resources below are available on this site:

Download a Planning Worksheet to get started with creating a ministry plan.

Plan-Step 1: Pray

Find others who will pray with you and for you. Below are some resources to help:



Plan-Step 2: Scout the Campus

Learn the unique needs and ways of life at the school:

Plan-Step 3: Meet and Gather Students

Go to the campus or wherever teens hang out.

Plan-Step 4: Decode the Campus

Observe how students hang out in natural groups.

Plan-Step 5: Choose a Group to Reach

Please be aware of legal issues and protective measures that need to be taken when working with minors.



To download a file of a plan, or if interested in more, go to our Ministry Tools! 

Reach the whole campus!

Teacher/Educator Helps

Email a Coach

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What they’re saying about Cru

1. What is this school most known for academically and athletically?

2. What groups or communities seem to have the most influence on campus and why? (top 3)

3. Where do groups hang out on campus? Off campus?

4. Do spiritual values have any influence on campus? [If so, how?]

5. What are the ethnic/racial relationships like on campus?

6. What groups or clubs (whether recognized or informal) are you a part of?

7. Where do you find a sense of community?

8. Do spiritual values play any part in your education or school experience?

Download Questionnaire