How do you see your local middle school and high school campuses? Since 1967, Cru staff, volunteers, and interns have seen campuses as a mission field. We see them as the best place in the world to reach teens.
If the local campus is the best place to reach teens, then how do we go there? The Getting to Know your Campus Survey can help guide you. Some staff and volunteers keep a low profile on the campus. School administrators know why they are there and silently cheer them on.
Others have a visible presence as volunteers for the school. When this is the case, they can visit students at lunch hour, be a club sponsor, or coach an athletic team.
Sometimes we discover the school is a closed campus, meaning no outside influence is allowed on the campus. And yet, even there some are able to work through student leaders to reach the school.
Only one thing is certain, there are no cookie-cutter approaches to gaining access to a public school campus. With that said, there are some time-tested principles that can help guide your steps.
Time-Tested Principles for Going to the Campus
It is God’s Work
The most important thing to remember is the authority of Jesus Christ. If God has called us to reach this generation, we must go where they spend most of their time- their schools. It is He who points us to a specific campus and He who will connect us to advocates like teachers, coaches, and principals. He is the One Who prepares the hearts of the students.
Without Him, we fail every time.
Look for Gatekeepers
God has new relationships waiting inside every school. Every campus has gatekeepers. These are people God has placed on the campus who will help open doors that would stay closed or be harder for us to open without them.
Students Can Reach Students
On some campuses, it may be more difficult for adults to access students. So students step up and lead with your coaching and guidance. Whether adults can be on campus or not, every ministry should be working toward being student-led.
Prayer is Essential
Prayer will help prepare the hearts of all to join with us in God’s plan to see a spiritual movement raised up on the campus.
Community is Key
Ask churches, parents, and those you know around the school to point you to teachers, administrators, and coaches who might want to talk about the spiritual development of students. This will give you a feel of the campus culture and its spiritual openness and help you uncover potential gatekeepers. The Getting to know your campus Questionnaire is a good tool to help you ask the right questions.
Just because a campus is initially closed to outside adults, does not mean it is closed to God's work.
Flex. There will be Roadblocks.
If you discover the school is closed to outside influence, work to connect with Christian students in local churches. Once you find these students, you will be able to coach them. As you coach them, help them see their campus as a mission field. This is a great opportunity for students to step up and become the leaders they want to be. Just because a campus is initially closed to outside adults, does not mean it is closed to God’s work.
Gatekeepers Are Like Gold
Gatekeepers are insiders who help you gain access to the campus. When God reveals a potential gatekeeper to you, it could be anyone: a coach, an administrator, a custodian, even a student. When you get a chance to meet with these insiders, you can explain Cru to them in the following way:
“I work for a youth-based organization called Cru. We come alongside schools to help students learn how to become leaders by offering resources for their personal and spiritual development.”
Once you find that gatekeeper, the school will seem more open. Begin to volunteer for activities at the school. As a volunteer, others will see who you are, understand your purpose on the campus, and learn more about Cru. Being around students will allow you to run into Christian students who you can coach to reach the campus.
Check out the article on Becoming an Insider for more tips.
When you begin to see the campus the way God does, it will give you the confidence to take steps of faith that will help start a spiritual movement. God is right there with you, working on your behalf and going before you.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s go to the campus!
Next Step
Go to the campus! Meet a teacher you know on their conference period to do the Getting to Know your Campus Questionnaire. Walk around the campus and pray. Ask God to help you see the campus as He does and connect you to insiders.