You might be a student, teacher, youth pastor, college student, or a concerned adult with a vision to reach your local school. But you might be thinking, “Where do I start?”
This article is about the big picture of how God grows a spiritual movement on a local high school or middle school campus. From the big picture, you can see the smaller steps and better understand where you can start on your campus.
Cru is Here to Help!
Our role is to pray for you, hear your vision, and coach you. Here are some ways we can help and some strategies we provide to help you make an impact on your campus.
Call the Coaching Center
Give us a call and we will assign you to a ministry coach. We want to assist you as you seek to reach your school for Christ. Having a ministry coach will help you win students to Christ, build them up in their faith, and then send them back to their campus equipped with the knowledge and training to reach others for Christ.
Learn More about the Coaching Center
Build a Team
Do not go alone. One of the primary things you need is to establish a team around you. Jesus sent His disciples out two by two. Remember, do not go alone.
Have a volunteer information meeting
Observe the Campus
After you establish your team, go to the campus and observe. Look for natural groups that are on the campus. Do you see football players, the drama club, a specific group of guys or girls?
Learn to See your Campus
Get to Know Your Campus
Meet with Students
Now that you have observed the campus, start interacting with students. You can do this casually on the campus or see if they are willing to meet with you so you can begin having spiritual conversations and ultimately explain the gospel to them.
You want to spend quality time with students. Hang out with them and get to know them. After a while, it will feel natural to explain the gospel.
It’s great to reach students one-on-one, but your coach will help you reach students in their natural group settings too.
Having a ministry coach will help you win students to Christ, build them up in their faith, and then send them back to their campus equipped with the knowledge and training to reach others for Christ.
Try Some Team Talks
To reach some natural groups of students, you need to approach teachers and coaches. They can help you find opportunities for you to present motivational talks to different student groups on campus.
After you get the okay to give a motivational talk, invite students who are interested in learning more about their spiritual journey to come back again.
At the next gathering, maybe the next day over pizza, you can share with students how they can have a personal relationship with Jesus. Then encourage them to come together as a small group.
Lead a Small Group
As interest is generated among students, you will want to gather them together in small groups to study the Bible.
Start Cru Meetings
After you have several small groups going or about 25 students involved in your ministry, you can launch a larger Cru meeting. At this meeting, students will have some fun together, hear from each other about what God is doing in their lives, and listen to a short message from God’s Word.
Refreshments always make for a great meeting!
Attend Cru Conferences
The High School Ministry of Cru hosts two conferences a year- one in January or February and another in June.
At these conferences, students hear from speakers and other youth who share their faith on campus. Students learn how to share their faith. As students mature, you can use conferences to encourage them to see how God can use them to reach their friends in their natural groups at school.
Learn more about our Conferences
Go Global
Lastly, you will send students to reach the world. Cru offers short term international missions for students to go and share the love of Jesus all around the globe.
Learn More about International Missions
Hopefully, this big picture has given you a bigger vision of how God could use you.
Has God laid it on your heart to reach out to your local school?
For what are you waiting? Go and reach the lost on your local campus for Christ!
Next Step
Is this your desire for your campus? Click on the Coaching Center link and get started. We have a coach ready to help!
Coaching Center