Getting to Know Your Campus Questionnaire

You drive by the campus, and you wonder, what is it like? Who is there? What would it be like to be in the hallways? How can I serve this school? It might be a little intimidating! When you enter a campus, you enter a different world. It can help your confidence and ministry a lot to do a little research before you navigate the halls for yourself. 

Ask an Insider

You can grab a yearbook and find out some helpful information. Mapping the Campus can help you there. Or you can ask campus insiders (e.g. students, school staff, or even involved parents) what you would like to know. Offer to buy a teacher a coffee and ask these questions. Go to a coffee shop or fast food restaurant close to the school when school lets out, and ask a few students to help you out. Students often respond well when an adult asks for help. You might say something like this, 

“I work with a student organization called Cru, and we would like to know how to best serve your school. I would love to hear your thoughts. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?”

  1. What is your school most known for within the community (e.g. academics, athletics, service, etc)?
  2. What top three groups seem to have the most influence on campus and why?
  3. Where do students hang out on campus? Off campus?
  4. What are the three to five biggest challenges students face at this campus?
  5. What are the ethnic/racial dynamics like on campus?
  6. What groups or clubs are at your campus?
  7. Are there other Christian groups on campus?
  8. Do spiritual values play any part in the school as a whole or in your school experience personally? If so, how? If not, why not? 
  9. If you were in my shoes, who would be the first person you would talk with on campus about Cru?

Listen well, ask follow up questions to gain a deeper understanding, and make a mental note of the things [the others] say.

Five Types of People to Interview

As you get to know your campus, you will run into all kinds of people who know about and care about the campus. Interview as many as you can, but here are five types of people with whom you should make sure you connect:

  1. A teacher, administrator, or coach
  2. A local youth pastor
  3. A Christian parent
  4. A Christian student
  5. A non-Christian student

Each of these people will give you a different perspective on the campus and will help you grow your understanding of this new mission field as you develop your network of insiders.

More Than One Way to Do a Questionnaire

As you interview people, be respectful of the person’s time. You do not have to ask all the questions all at once. Keep them in the back of your mind and ask just one or two in casual conversation as you meet people. Listen well, ask followup questions to gain a deeper understanding, and make a mental note of the things they say. It might even lead to an opportunity to continue the conversation at a later time or a chance to uncover spiritual interest.

Happy investigating! As you learn about the school, pray. Ask God to show you where He is already working and to lead you as you seek a place to begin. Can you help meet one of the challenges students face? Did you meet a Christian student who might have a desire to reach their campus? Follow up and meet the first person students or staff recommend that you meet. God loves the students on this campus more than you do, and He will be faithful to lead you as you move forward.

Next Step
Ask a parent, teacher or teen you know to help you discover the campus by completing the questionnaire with you.


Cru Promo Videos

It was once said that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Well, if that’s true, a video is worth a million. As we talk about Cru with students, administration, donors, volunteers, parents, and others, having a video can sometimes help them get the feel of what we do.

Below you’ll find a few videos that do just that. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for, check our YouTube channels at Cru High School and Gotothecampus. If we’ve got it, it’ll be there.

Cru Promo Video – 3 Minute Version

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Cru Promo Video – 1 Minute Version

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Cru Promo Video – 1 Minute Version (vertical)

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