You can
reach your
high school

We can help


When in doubt,
go to the campus.

The public high school campus can be a scary place if you feel like you don’t belong.  But that is where 92% of all 14-18-year-olds spend their days 5 days a week. If we want to help shape and encourage this generation, we need to be where they are.


of all Christians accept Christ
by age 18

This is a crucial time when individuals make decisions that can shape their entire lives. Once high school is over, it becomes less likely for someone to choose to follow Christ for the first time. 

5:1 ratio

Each student greatly benefits from having 5 caring adults in their lives

The more caring adults students have in their lives when they’re in high school, the better they tend to do in college and beyond.  
From the book, Sticky Faith by Chap Clark

teenagers are the most connected generation of all time

Typically, teenagers have more than 400 online connections. They hold significant sway among their own peers, who also have a strong online presence. These networks can help spread the message of the gospel far and wide.

of high school students have seriously considered suicide this year.

This is higher than the 16% reported in 2011. The young people of this generation are dealing with feelings of sadness, worry, and not knowing where they’re headed, which is leading them to think about extreme actions.
Why Teenagers?

Teenagers are incredible, and we want to help them reach their full potential. They are in a season of growth and searching, pondering significant questions about life’s meaning and their own purpose. 


Great ministry is multiplied by great tools. Below are some of the tools we use to reach teenagers. You’ll love ’em!

Not sure where to start?
We have curated some of our favorite articles and videos into some collections to help kickstart your learning adventure.



God's undeniable hand at work...
Chance’s sister’s miraculous recovery deepened his faith, inspiring him to share the gospel confidently.