Work Place Community: Integrating faith and work in your everyday life.

Have you ever wanted to go beyond “water cooler conversations” with a co-worker but not known how to do so?  This is completely normal, and while every conversation looks different, the following steps have helped others:

  • Pray for your coworkers and ask the Lord for opportunities to listen with compassion and understanding.
  • Find common ground and build on that. Be curious. Ask about their passions, concerns, and the challenges in life they are experiencing. What are they worried about?  
  • Invite them to share more deeply about their story over coffee.


  • Work and Faith. Tough, often toilsome, work is integral to the human experience. What is God’s original intent for everyday work and how does your vocational calling fit into His purposes for the world?
  • Faith in the Public Square. What does it mean for you to follow Christ in a secular world and help create a more flourishing church, community and culture?
  • Biblical View of Work. How do you understand the purpose and meaning of your work from a biblical perspective? 
  • Practical Christian Leadership Development. How do you build spiritual leaders able to lead others?


  • – If you live near Austin, TX, how can you find people to journey with you?  
  • Faith and Work Chicago – If you live in the Chicago area, how can you connect your Sunday morning worship with your Monday morning workday? 
  • –  Are you looking for ways to journey together and live around Cleveland, OH?
  • – Are you entering the workplace for the first time? Are you making the transition from college to the workplace?
  • Leadership Circle – A unique journey to help you unlock your purpose and expand your impact.