The band Young Isaac helped with the prison outreaches. Photo courtesy Keynote

Hands and Feet of Jesus

Music ministry and partner organization help kids of prisoners.

Children of prisoners have a 70% chance of ending up in prison, according to Child Evangelism Fellowship, a Bible-centered organization dedicated to reaching children with the gospel of Jesus.

When Keynote, a ministry of Cru, learned about CEF and their partnership with prison ministry, they wanted to help. They integrated prison outreach in to their summer project schedule in Indiana, where various bands tour locally, performing concerts and handing out CEF materials.

Amy Snow, a band director, was among those who handed out CEF materials. “I got this sense that [the prisoners] wanted to help their kids, wanting their decision to be different their own,” she says.

After receiving information, an inmate or family member can sign up to receive Bible-based lesson booklet and correspond with CEF, which is able to track the booklets. CEF is seeing results: in one month last year, 138 prisoners enrolled along with 371 referrals.

“I trust that we were the hands and feet of Jesus, visiting those in prison, living out Matthew 25,” says Amy. “I don’t know who left more moved: the prisoners or us.”

Together, Keynote and CEF will continue efforts to reach people with the message of Jesus.

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