If you’re interested in making an impact on your campus or already are, consider becoming an official Cru movement. Here is some info on why and how.

Benefits of Being a Recognized Cru Group
Our greatest desire is that God blesses your ministry so that more students know Jesus and follow Him. There are benefits to being recognized as a group by Cru and your school. However, you don’t need to be recognized by your school in order to be recognized by Cru.
From Cru
Official Cru groups receive opportunities to grow as a group and reach others through:
- Leadership coaching, ministry tools and resources from Cru staff.
- Connection to students searching for a Christian community near them.
- Conferences, retreats, and mission trips with other students involved in Cru.
From Your School
Official campus Cru groups can receive the same benefits as any other club or organization, including:
- The ability to reserve rooms, advertise on campus, and perhaps even receive funding.
- Participation in activity fairs and listing on the school website.
- Recognition and credibility to help incoming students trust you.

Criteria for Starting an Official Cru Movement
- A student leader with a heart for the Lord, for growth, and for outreach.
- Agreement with our mission as an interdenominational ministry with an outward focus on inviting people to know Jesus.
- Connection with a Cru staff person either locally or distance-based.
- Willingness to lead as a student who depends on the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Agreement with our Statement of Faith.

Common Processes for Starting Student Organizations
Each school has its own process, but there are some things you can expect as you register your Cru movement. Typically, you need to find an advisor, provide a constitution, and list a certain number of leaders and interested students.
- Learn the requirements on your campus through your school website or from the director of student organizations or activities.
- Gather students.
- Find an advisor, usually university faculty. (This is in addition to your Cru coach.)
- Request a copy of Cru’s constitution and charter. We provide:
- A Charter application so you can register with Cru for this year. We have an annual chartering process to help your new student leadership team understand what it means to be Cru or one of our Cru ministries.
- Model constitutions to choose from and download so that you can adjust it and use it to register with your campus. We have different models for our different Cru ministries. We want to make sure our mission is clear and our expectations for our chapters and student leaders are consistent.
Contact us for more information or check out how to get connected to a Cru ministry coach.