
Jaclyn struggled with intense anxiety from an early age. As she moved into middle school and high school, she put enormous pressure on herself to succeed in everything she did, feeling like she needed to be the best or she would disappoint herself and those around her. There were many nights when the anxiety was overwhelming—she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and felt constantly knotted up inside. Despite knowing about God and attending church occasionally, she felt like a crucial piece was missing from her faith journey. Though she grew up in a Christian household, attending church wasn’t a consistent part of her family’s routine due to busy weekends filled with sports and activities. Without a regular church community, Jaclyn found herself lacking the kind of support system she needed, though she always had the love of her family around her.

In her sophomore year, Jaclyn came across Cru during a lunch period at school. Drawn by the warmth and genuine kindness of the people she met at their table, she decided to get involved. She joined a girls’ Bible study led by a volunteer named Hunter, meeting every week to learn and share. For Jaclyn, this Bible study quickly became the highlight of her week. It offered her a sense of community she had always been looking for, and she grew close to Hunter and the other girls. In March 2022, Hunter asked the group a question that stuck with Jaclyn: “If you were to die today, are you sure you would go to heaven?” This question made Jaclyn realize that she hadn’t fully surrendered her life to God. A few days later, a conversation with her dad, who shared his own testimony of coming to faith, seemed like the final nudge. It was as though God was speaking directly to her through repeated messages, urging her to make her faith her own. She decided to fully surrender, and immediately found a new sense of peace and joy, replacing the anxiety that had weighed her down for so long.

"If you were to die today, are you sure you would go to heaven?"

Since then, Cru has continued to be a powerful influence in Jaclyn’s life. It has provided her with mentors, resources, and the confidence to step out in her faith. She learned how to share her testimony, something that once felt uncomfortable, but now she sees as a way to plant seeds in others’ hearts. Jaclyn has grown in boldness, leading Bible studies and sharing her story with others, trusting that God will use her words, whether or not there is immediate visible change. Through Cru, she found the community she longed for, and it has helped her find the courage to live out her faith openly and impactfully.

Next Step

Using this testimony worksheet, write out your own story and ask God for an opportunity to share it.

Testimony Worksheet

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