
“From Death to Life.” Latino student comes to Christ through Destino


“Sept. 7, 2011: Lord Jesus, help me see today the beauty of your gospel, your life and work for a sinner like me. God, I believe all that is written in your word because you are trustworthy, reliable, and real! Help me live in light of this message Jesus and help me proclaim this today into the lives of people, prepare them for this news. Save someone today, let me see and guide someone from death to life!”

I prayed this this morning believing that my God is mightier than I could imagine and able to do more than I ask. Hours later, I found myself following up a student named Jaime, whom I talked to days earlier for about 5 minutes at our Destino info table. I invited him to meet for coffee and talk about his interest in developing the spiritual side of his life. Moments into our 2-hour long conversation I decided to go for it and bring up God. And oh, did He get brought up! I was led to engage with him, his past, and his current beliefs. I shared the gospel with him, a message he had never heard, although he thought he knew God. Jaime opened up about his desire to know God and to trust in something greater than himself to satisfy his emptiness. I shared with him about the great love God has for him, and the rest and joy he has to offer him and his heavy-laden mother. Tears welled up in his eyes and he could not speak. God was obviously touching Jaime’s heart and drawing him to Himself. I cried inside and might have held back some tears! But just as I had prayed that morning, God did it. My mind and heart were blown away as I remembered that I had prayed this specific prayer, and I saw Jaime go from death to life.

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