The Questioning Apologist
I hate to admit it, but I have often been like many apologists: too quick to give answers and too slow to ask questions. Solomon
What would it look like to live as part of God’s grander story as a faculty member on your campus?
Our book, A Grander Story: An Invitation to Christian Professors, offers you a biblical understanding of a professor’s identity in Christ and God’s calling in your scholarship, teaching, and service.
A Grander Story inspires and equips Christian faculty to think differently about their lives and work. Read the inspiring stories of six U.S. professors who share the unique ways they played their part in God’s grander story. Discussion questions are provided to prompt thoughtful group interactions.
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“God equips those He calls, which is an awesome thing—I mean, I don’t even know if I am qualified for Mensa, and I am not an apologist and am very capable of being a big chicken and a Jonah, but I know He can make the weak strong when it comes to defending the faith.”
– Chapter 6, Dr. Susan Siaw, Cal Poly Pomona
“I’m going to go to the toughest one head-on by talking about serving students in the classroom. It probably goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: we serve our students in the classroom (and I include the laboratory here) by a mastery of the material—by thoughtful, if not winsome, presentations of the material, and a desire to see our students learn. All of this is part of the biblical principle of “whatsoever you do in word or deed, do it as unto the Lord.”
— Chapter 5, Dr. Ken Elzinga, University of Virginia
“How can I tell them the truth that I come early because I’ve missed them, that I can’t wait to hear about their day, that I’ve been thinking about them all morning, and that I love them? How can I reveal that I’ve spent all week praying about their addictions, their losses, their fears, and their dreams?…’Well, it’s because I want to be with you,’ I finally stammer and reposition my hair tie and take my glasses off. ‘I really want to be with you.'”
– Chapter 10, Dr. Heather Holleman, Penn State
“God began to confirm what He had started to stir in my heart years earlier; ultimately my legacy in the academy will depend more on the people I impact than on academic accolades or the laboratory I helped build. Sure; I hope my research and writing contribute to my discipline, but at the end of the day I honestly believe what will remain—far beyond my syllabi or lab equipment—will be the lives God has enabled me to touch over nearly three decades.”
– Chapter 9, Dr. John Walkup, Emeritus Texas Tech
Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and
Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions,
Princeton University
I hate to admit it, but I have often been like many apologists: too quick to give answers and too slow to ask questions. Solomon
I’m entering my eleventh year working at Miami University in the teacher preparation program. My students know where I stand in my Christian faith. I
For several years, God has burdened my heart to use my platform as a professor to share the love of Christ with the academic community
After reading A Grander Story: An Invitation to Christian Professors by Rick Hove and Heather Holleman in a Faculty Commons small group Bible study, I was inspired
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